PeopleROI as a Strategy


“If you can measure it, you can manage it…’’

As companies, we’ve never done as much recruitment as we do today. And we’ve never spent as much time and money doing it; cost to hire, time to hire, retention strategies – all taking a big bite out of the bottom line. And bad-fit placements heap yet more burdens on our overworked teams.

Now is the time to embrace the idea of PeopleROI as a Strategy
… moving from people as a liability on the balance sheet to people as a sound investment.

So, what’s different?

Imagine if you could accurately measure the real-time ROI on your IT and other skills and secure actionable data to recruit the best, manage the best, and retain the best.

Imagine if you could get your people inspired and upskilled to move your IT delivery from Good to Great. The right people, doing the right job, in the right team.

and imagine if you can (compassionately) discover the hidden toxic undercurrents of people and management issues – animosity, blame, fear – and apply the right fix (with love) for a quantum leap in productivity.

That’s us, here, at Transformate

Tools & Strategies to…

Hire the best
Retain the best
Get more money from the same talent
Fix toxic relationships
Future proof with right-fit learning and development

People don’t leave bad companies, they leave bad managers… Forbes

When transformation is no longer an option.